Looking for a new way
Vince Bruzzese founded Totem Acoustic in 1987 in Montréal, Canada.
Initial research and development was not profit-oriented; rather, the new company strove to achieve an identity not overly compromised by market pressures. After two years of unconventional research, bypassing traditional institutions such as Canada's National Research Council, Totem was able to bring to market its first small-volume box design, exemplifying the best in speaker design.
Until the end of 1992, Totem Acoustic offered only one model, the now legendary Model-1. Over the years, additional monitors were added to the line, including the powerful Mani-2 and the affordable Mite.
Sequentially, column speakers further made an enormous impact, namely the Sttaf and Arro, Forest and, most recently, the faboulous Hawk and the Wind.
In the last few years with the advent of the Tribe on-walls, world references in their category, powerful compact subwoofer in the Storm, and precision
in the Inner Spirit in-wall, Totem is setting new standards in architectural type units.