The Pure Transmission Mission
A very Furutech power product, manifesting a devotion to bestperformance in every element of AC and signal transfer Considering thatwhat you actually hear is in a very real sense the direct product of theincoming AC then the final few feet are of prime importance for bestperformance.
Of course everyone would love to make pure-copper receptacles, but itsmalleability – lack of stiffness – makes pure copper a poor choice.That’s why you’ll find phosphor bronze or brass in some receptacles.Furutech’s intense engineering scrutiny has resulted in anindustry-first, a technique allowing us to use special Furutech 24kgold- or rhodium-plated α (Alpha) pure copper conductors strengthenedand sprung by our innovative nonmagnetic Stainless Steel ConductorSpring System that keeps a firm grip yet won’t damage male connectorblades or their plated surfaces. Even the screw-down pressure plates arecurved to maximize contact area. The GTX receptacle can be summed up ina word; virtuoso!
Feel, experience and communicate with music and sound!