The Furutech Ethereal FT-211(G)/(R) Spade Terminals
Furutech is known the world over for a huge variety of top-quality OEMparts and delivers consistently superior results by following PureTransmission principles; examine every link in the power and signal pathand ultimately optimize each and every element.
In highly-resolving audio systems EVERYTHING makes a difference.Low-mass, low-weight spade and banana speaker terminals have recentlyfound favor with many audiophiles. Furutech’s beautifully-finished,beautiful-sounding Ethereal Spade Terminals are the result of meticulousengineering and careful audition of various materials. The FT-211features an α (Alpha) pure-copper conductor yielding minimal impedance.The conductor is housed in an extremely nonresonant POM resin body with ashell crafted of nylon and fiberglass using Furutech’s outstandingPiezo Ceramic damping material.