MG 3.7
Jonathan Valin, Executive Editor, The Absolute Sound Magazine
Giải thưởng TAS 2012 - 2013

The 2013 Jimmy Awards
Best Sound for Lowest Price
T.H.E. Show I got to hear $5,495 Maggie’s 3.7s coupled with Maggie’s
DWM bass panels and, folks, you could not recognize the sound. I don’t
really know how deep the DWMs are capable of going but where they play
they add a lifelike density of tone color and dynamic excitement that
the 3.7s alone simply can’t muster. A sensational showing.
Robert Harley, Editor of The Absolute Sound Magazine wrote--
Hi Wendell,
"Your room sounded fantastic, in the bass and everywhere else. I think
that you're on to something with the bass panels. They sounded better
than cone woofers, were perfectly integrated with the panels, and
completely unobtrusive."
Best regards,
Neil Gader-- The Absolute Sound Magazine
produced a compelling demo with its 3.7 loudspeakers augmented by a
pair of "stealth" DMW Bass Panels ($795/each) custom designed not only
for subbass extension near room boundaries which they accomplished
seamlessly, but also to integrate fashionalby as furnishings like a side
table or invisibly depending upon the whims of your decorator. A very
satisfying modular approach.
The Audio Beat explains Magnepan's concept-- las vegas 2013 magnepans big bass boogie