Nonmagnetic Rhodium-Plated DIN Connector and Rhodium-Plated RCA Connectors
Furutech’s Award-Winning Pure Transmission Build Quality
The sense of mechanical integrity of the Ag-12 Phono cable’s build isimmediately apparent. Furutech Pure Transmission technology turns amacro lens on every element of power and signal transfer applyingoptimized engineering solutions to well-known problems such as contactresistance, grounding, EMI and RFI rejection, and using the bestmaterials and processes available.
• α (Alpha) silver-plated μ-OFC Conductor
• 4-layer shield construction for improved noise insulation
• Main Insulation: Air-foamed polyethylene
•• Connectors
o Furutech-engineered rhodium-plated DIN or L-DIN and FP-126(R) Alpha-OCC RCA connectors
• The best damping and insulation materials for improved frequency extension and tonal balance
• Carefully engineered cable clamp improves grip and reduces mechanical and electrically-induced distortion
• Dimensions: Cable diameter ~9.5mm • Overall length: 1.2M/set