Product description:
ViaBlue T6s Binding posts are 24 carat gold-plated. Thehousing is made of aluminium. Each T6s Binding posts contains twoViaBlue polyoxymethylene discs for electrical insulation, mechanicalpressure sealing and to reduce vibration.
To assemble the inner wiring, the stripped ends are solderedor bolted on fine thread web to the rear part of the contact of the T6sBinding posts. The fine threads inside the connector of the T6s Bindingposts make it easy to install multiple terminals, and similar types ofconnections in a row.
With the enclosed washers/spring gear ring combination theT6s Binding posts are stably mounted permanently on terminal boards.
Through the large contact area for the terminals,connections to the speaker wire can be transferred with minimalresistance. The T6s Binding posts head can be removed completely so theclosed cable lugs can be assembled.