Furutech is known the world over for a huge variety of top-quality OEMparts and delivers consistently superior results by following PureTransmission principles; examine every link in the power and signalpath and ultimately optimize each and every element.
The new FI-11-N1 series feature a new plating technique which deliverssonic improvements and a more durable finish. Also new to the seriesare metal cable clamps for firm grip and resonance control.
Japanese audio commentator, Masamitsu Fukuda says the following on the new plating:
“The new Rhodium plating offers high resolution, transparent andprecise sound. The high signal-to-noise ratio delivers greatercontrasts across the entire frequency spectrum along with tight andprecise bass. Rhodium especially excels in the high frequencies whichare detailed and clear. Overall rhodium yields a super responsive,delicate, expressive and neutral sound…”
“Gold plating is ideal for enthusiasts who prefer a flowing, somewhatwarm and softer sound. With a slightly thicker layer of gold platingthan before the sound is a touch more precise allowing a stablesoundstage and a smoother tonal balance. With better response anddynamics the new cable yields a detailed, powerful bass and an overallexpressive sound….”
• IEC - α (Alpha) Phosphor bronze Conductor
• AC Male - α (Alpha) Pure Copper Conductor
• Floating Field Damper System* prevents induced magnetic fields
• Nylon /fiberglass front body, Polycarbonate shell
(Black for 24k Gold version / Transparent Blue for Rhodium version)
• Specified for cable diameters of 6.6mm to 16.0mm (with a longer screw up to 20mm)
• Black nonmagnetic stainless cable damping clamp with stainless screws (M4 X 20mm L)
• Dimensions: Body length 44.0mm X 39.0mm dia. X 77.0mm overall length.
Specially Engineered Pressure Plate and Wire Clamp