The Furutech Ethereal FT-211(G)/(R) Banana Terminals
Furutech is known the world over for a huge variety of top-quality OEMparts and delivers consistently superior results by following PureTransmission principles; examine every link in the power and signal pathand ultimately optimize each and every element.
In highly-resolving audio systems EVERYTHING makes a difference.Low-mass, low-weight spade and banana speaker terminals have recentlyfound favor with many audiophiles. Furutech’s beautifully-finished,beautiful-sounding Ethereal Spade Terminals are the result of meticulousengineering and careful audition of various materials. The FT-211features an α (Alpha) pure-copper conductor yielding minimal impedance.The conductor is housed in an extremely nonresonant POM resin body with ashell crafted of nylon and fiberglass using Furutech’s outstandingPiezo Ceramic damping material. The pin locks feature a newpatent-pending mechanism for a secure, reliable grip.